Senin, 26 Maret 2012


I saw the surgeon for my post-op appointment last Tuesday.  It feels like I've been out of commission forever! 
My pathology report indicates that I had an endometrial growth under my abdominal muscle on top of the fascia.  The surgeon was able to remove the growth by stretching and manipulating the muscle fibers rather than removing the muscle (a HUGE blessing!!), she then attached a piece of mesh to the area where the endometrioma was in order to prevent a possible hernia.  The muscle will eventually grow INTO the mesh, strengthening the weakened area.  My belly is almost back to normal, a very welcome change from my post-op look of being somewhere in mid-pregnancy.  It's been a more difficult recovery than my gall bladder surgery.  I have periodic episodes of excruciating, breath-stealing pain that the doc attributes to muscles pulling and fighting the mesh and each other; apparently mesh has no "give", so anytime I strain or get too full the muscles flex and pull causing the mesh to fight back--the mesh, in all of its stability, wins.  It's probably the most painful feeling I've ever experienced, similar in nature to pregnancy contractions, but at times more intense and located just below my ribs making it nearly impossible for me to breathe.  Pain, pain, go away....and never come back!
I am restricted to lifting ten pounds and under; limited bending and stretching; no exercising (arrrgghh!); and no sitting up from a supine position, instead log rolling to the side before sitting up.
All is well; however, I am a terrible patient and have been tempted to cheat by getting in a very light workout of some sort (realizing I will only be cheating myself).  This not working out business is for the birds. I really bugged the doctor for an okay to work out prior to my six week minimum recovery time and she said when she sees me on the 12th she MAY allow me to start running :)........but NO lifting weights or doing core work until the last week in July. Instead, I take a walk around the neighborhood and I'm quickly reminded by discomfort, that I am STILL healing. Now, I am even more determined to run the half marathon this October

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